
I’ve organized my research by topic to help you find any work of interest.  There is some duplication and cross-listing. For a chronological listing see my cv.

1. Courts: Methodology, Judicial Hierarchy, Collegial Courts, Other Court Papers
2. Supreme Court Nominations
3. The Presidency
4. Veto Bargaining
5. Congress
6. Bureaucracy and Public Sector Personnel Economics
7. Lobbying and Campaign Contributions
8. Other

Courts: Methodology

Title Co-authors Citation Date/Other
What Do Courts Do? How to Model Judicial Actions Lewis A. Kornhauser Working paper (Chapter 2 of Model Courts: Positive Political Theory and Judicial Institutions) June 2017
What Do Judges Want? How to Model Judicial Preferences Lewis A. Kornhauser Asian Journal of Law and Economics, 2023 December 2023

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Courts: Judicial Hierarchy

Title Co-authors Citation Date/Other
Strategic Defiance and Compliance in the U.S. Courts of Appeals Chad Westerland, Jeffrey A. Segal, Lee Epstein, Scott Comparato American Journal of Political Science, 54(4):891-905, 2010 2010
Appeals Mechanisms, Litigant Selection, and the Structure of Judicial Hierarchies Lewis A. Kornhauser Institutional Games and the U.S. Supreme Court, Jon Bond, Roy Flemming, and James Rogers (editors), University of Virginia Press, 2006 2006
Decision Rules in a Judicial Hierarchy Lewis A. Kornhauser Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 161(2):264-292 (2005) 2005
Strategic Auditing in a Political Hierarchy: An Informational Model of the Supreme Court’s Certiorari Decisions Jeffrey A. Segal, Donald Songer American Political Science Review 94(1): 101-116 (2000) March 2000
An Empirical Test of the Rational-Actor Theory of Litigation Jeffrey A. Segal, Donald Songer Journal of Politics, 57(4):1119-29 (1995) November 1995
Decision Making on the U.S. Courts of Appeals Jeffrey A. Segal, Donald Songer Contemplating Courts, CQ Press, Lee Epstein (editor), (1995) 1995
The Hierarchy of Justice: Testing a Principal-Agent Model of Supreme Court-Circuit Court Interactions Jeffrey A. Segal, Donald Songer American Journal of Political Science, 38(3):673-693 (1994) August 1994

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Courts: Collegial Courts

Title Co-authors Citation Date/Other
Bargaining and Strategic Voting on Appellate Courts and Appendices Giri Parameswaran, Lewis A. Kornhauser American Political Science Review 115(3):835-850 (2021) August 2021
Stare Decisis and Judicial Log-Rolls: A Gains-from-Trade Model Giri Parameswaran, Lewis A. Kornhauser RAND Journal of Economics, 50(3):505-531 (2019) Fall 2019
Theorizing the U.S. Supreme Court Lewis A. Kornhauser The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, Oxford University Press (2017) 2017
The Chief Justice and Procedural Power Tom Clark The Chief Justice: Appointment and Influence, David Danelski and Artemus Ward (editors), University of Michigan Press (2016) 2016
Bargaining On Appellate Courts Lewis A. Kornhauser Working paper - Three block version August 2013
Policy and Disposition Coalitions on the Supreme Court of the United States Deborah Beim and Lewis A. Kornhauser Working paper February 2011
Modeling Collegial Courts (3): Adjudication Equilibria Lewis A. Kornhauser NYU School of Law, Public Law Research Paper No. 09-39, NYU Law and Economics Research Paper No. 09-29 September 2010
How Will They Vote? Predicting the Future Behavior of Supreme Court Nominees, 1937-2006 Jee-Kwang Park Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 6(3):485-511 (2009) 2009
Bargaining and Opinion Assignment on the U.S. Supreme Court Jeffrey Lax Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 23(2):276-302 (2007) 2007
Ideological Values and the Votes of U.S. Supreme Court Justices Revisited Jeffrey A. Segal, Lee Epstein, Harold Spaeth Journal of Politics, 57(3):812-823 (1995) August 1995

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Courts: Other Court Papers

Title Co-authors Citation Date/Others
Coordination and Innovation in Judiciaries: Correct Law versus Consistent Law Mehdi Shadmehr, Sepehr Shahshahani Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 17(1) (2022) 2022
Great Judges: Judicial Leadership in Theory and Practice Mehdi Shadmehr Leadership in American Politics, Jeff Jenkins and Craig Volden editors, University of Kansas Press December 2017
Rational Choice Attitudinalism? A review of Epstein, Landes and Posner’s The behavior of federal judges: a theoretical and empirical study of rational choice Lewis A. Kornhauser European Journal of Law and Economics, 43(3):535-554 (2017) June 2017
Endogenous Preferences about Courts: A Theory of Judicial State Building in the Nineteenth Century ALTERNATIVE TITLE: Judicial Federalism   Preferences And Situations, Ira Katznelson and Barry Weingast (editors), Russell Sage Foundation (2005) 2005
Judicial Independence: How Can You Tell It When You See It? And, Who Cares?   Judicial Independence at the Crossroads, Steve Burbank and Barry Friedman (editors), Sage Publications (2002) 2002
New Avenues for Modeling Judicial Politics (Figures)   Working paper, Columbia University 1993

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Supreme Court Nominations

Title Co-authors Citation Date/Others
The Politics of Accountability in Supreme Court Nominations: Voter Recall and Assessment of Senator Votes on Nominees Leeann Bass, Jonathan P. Kastellec Working Paper October 2020
Presidential Selection of Supreme Court Nominees: The Characteristics Approach Jonathan P. Kastellec, Lauren Mattioli Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 14(4):439-474. May 2019
From Genteel Pluralism to Hyper-Pluralism: Interest Groups and Supreme Court Nominations, 1930-2017 Cody Gray, Jonathan P. Kastellec, Jee-Kwang Park Journal of Law and Courts Forthcoming
Are Supreme Court Nominations a Move-the-Median Game? Erratum Jonathan P. Kastellec American Political Science Review, 110(4):778-797 (2016) November 2016
Voting for Justices: Change and Continuity in Confirmation Voting 1937-2010 Jonathan P. Kastellec, Jee-Kwang Park Journal of Politics, 75(2):283-299 (2013) 2013
Going Public When Opinion Is Contested: Evidence from Presidents' Campaigns for Supreme Court Nominees, 1930-2009 Jee-Kwang Park Presidential Studies Quarterly, 41(3):442-470 (2011) 2011
How Will They Vote? Predicting the Future Behavior of Supreme Court Nominees, 1937-2006 Jee-Kwang Park Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 6(3):485-511 (2009) September 2009
Shaping Supreme Court Policy Through Appointments: The Impact of a New Justice Jee-Kwang Park, Deborah Beim University of Minnesota Law Review, 93(5):1820-1870 (2009) 2009
The Politics of Supreme Court Nominations: The Critical Role of the Media Environment   A Quantitative Tour of the Social Sciences, Andrew Gelman and Jeronimo Cortina (editors), Cambridge University Press (2009) 2009
Modeling Strategy in Congressional Hearings   A Quantitative Tour of the Social Sciences, Andrew Gelman and Jeronimo Cortina (editors), Cambridge University Press (2009) 2009
A Spatial Model of Roll Call Voting: Senators, Constituents, Presidents, and Interest Groups in Supreme Court Confirmations Jeffrey A. Segal, Albert D. Cover American Journal of Political Science, 36(1):96-121 (1992) February 1992
Senate Voting on Supreme Court Nominees: A Neoinstitutional Model Jeffrey A. Segal, Albert D. Cover American Political Science Review, 84(2):525-534 (1990) June 1990
Senate Confirmation of Supreme Court Justices: The Role of Ideology in Senate Confirmation of Supreme Court Justices Jeffrey A. Segal, Albert D. Cover Kentucky Law Journal, 77(3):485-504 (1988) 1988

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The Presidency

Title Co-authors Citation Date/Others
Does White House Regulatory Review Produce a Chilling Effect and "OIRA Avoidance" in the Agencies? Alex Acs Presidential Studies Quarterly, 43(3):443-467 (2013) September 2013
Vetoes, Bargaining, and Boundary Conditions   Political Analysis, 20(4):520-524 (2012) Autumn 2012
Going Public When Opinion Is Contested: Evidence from Presidents' Campaigns for Supreme Court Nominees, 1930-2009 Jee-Kwang Park Presidential Studies Quarterly, 41(3):442-470 (2011) 2011
The Presidential Veto   Oxford Handbook of the American Presidency, George Edwards and William Howell (editors), Oxford University Press (2009) 2009
The Political Economy of the US Presidency   Oxford Handbook of the Political Economy, Barry R. Weingast and Donald A. Wittman (editors), Oxford University Press (2006) 2006
A Primer on the President's Legislative Program Jee-Kwang Park Presidential Leadership: The Vortex of Power, Bert Rockman and Richard Waterman (editors), Roxbury Press (2008) 2008
Models of Vetoes and Veto Bargaining Nolan McCarty Annual Review of Political Science, 7:409-435 (2004) 2004
Presidential Studies Meets Public Administration: Discussion of 'The President and the Bureaucracy in the United States'   The Evolution of Political Knowledge, Edward Mansfield and Richard Sisson (editors), Ohio State University Press (2004) 2004
Studying The Polarized Presidency   Presidential Studies Quarterly, 32(4):647-663 (2002) 2002
John S. Lapinski, Charles R. Riemann Journal of Politics, 62(1):187-205 (2000) February 2000
Bargaining and Presidential Power   Presidential Power: Forging the Presidency for the 21st Century, Robert Y. Shapiro, Martha Joynt Kumar, Lawrence R. Jacobs (editors), Columbia University Press (2000) 2000
Veto Bargaining: Presidents and the Politics of Negative Power   Part of Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions Series, James Alt and Douglass North (editors), (2000) 2000
Sequential Veto Bargaining Susan Elmes Working Paper 1994

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Veto Bargaining

Title Co-authors Citation Date/Others
New Directions in Veto Bargaining: Message Legislation, Virtue Signaling, and Electoral Accountability Nathan Gibson
The SAGE Handbook of Research Methods in Political Science and International Relations, Luigi Curini and Robert Franzese (editors),  (2020)
Veto Bargaining: Presidents and the Politics of Negative Power  
Part of Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions series, Cambridge University Press (2000)
June 2000

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Title Co-authors Citation Date/Others
Fire Alarms and Democratic Accountability Sanford C. Gordon Working Paper October 2021
Message Legislation and the Politics of Virtue Signaling Daniel Gibbs and Jesse M. Crosson Working Paper April 2021
Virtue Signaling: A Theory of Message Legislation Daniel Gibbs Working Paper 2020
New Directions in Veto Bargaining: Message Legislation, Virtue Signaling, and Electoral Accountability Nathan Gibson
The SAGE Handbook of Research Methods in Political Science and International Relations, Luigi Curini and Robert Franzese (editors),  (2020)
Voting for Justices: Change and Continuity in Confirmation Voting 1937-2010 Jonathan P. Kastellec, Jee-Kwang Park Journal of Politics, 75(2):283-299 (2013) 2013
Bill Support Rates: What Do They Tell Us About Theories of Law Making Scott Adler, Scott Minkoff Working Paper 2009
Modeling Strategy in Congressional Hearings   A Quantitative Tour of the Social Sciences, Andrew Gelman and Jeronimo Cortina (editors), Cambridge University Press (2009) 2009
A Primer on the President's Legislative Program Jee-Kwang Park Presidential Leadership: The Vortex of Power, Bert Rockman and Richard Waterman (editors), Roxbury Press (2008) 2008
The Macropolitics of Telecommunication Policy, 1899-1998: Lawmaking, Policy Windows, and Agency Control Grace R. Freedman The Macropolitics of Congress, Scott Adler and John Lapinski (editors), Princeton University Press (2006) 2006
Divided Government and the Legislative Productivity of Congress, 1945-94 William Howell, Scott Adler, Charles Riemann Legislative Studies Quarterly, 25(2):285-312 (2000) May 2000
Do Majority-Minority Districts Maximize Black Substantive Representation in Congress David Epstein, Sharyn O'Halloran American Political Science Review, 90(4):794-812 (1996) December 1996
A Signaling Theory of Congressional Oversight B. Peter Rosendorff Games and Economic Behavior (special issue on game theoretic models of politics), Jeffrey Banks and Roger Myerson (editors) (1993) 1993
A Spatial Model of Roll Call Voting: Senators, Constituents, Presidents, and Interest Groups in Supreme Court Confirmations Jeffrey A. Segal, Albert D. Cover American Journal of Political Science, 36(1):96-121 (1992) February 1992
Senate Voting on Supreme Court Nominees: A Neoinstitutional Model Jeffrey A. Segal, Albert D. Cover American Political Science Review, 84(2):525-534 (1990) June 1990
Senate Confirmation of Supreme Court Justices: The Role of Ideology in Senate Confirmation of Supreme Court Justices Jeffrey A. Segal, Albert D. Cover Kentucky Law Journal, 77(3):485-504 (1988) 1988

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Bureaucracy and Public Sector Personnel Economics

Title Co-authors Citation Date/Others
Quitting in Protest: A Theory of Presidential Policy Making and Agency Response John M. de Figueiredo Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 15(4):507-538  (2020) October 2020
Public Sector Personnel Economics: Wages, Promotions, and the Competence-Control Trade-Off John M. de Figueiredo, David E. Lewis Advances in Strategic Management, 41:111-148 (2020) July 2020
The Network Structure of the U.S. Federal Government: Evidence from Inter-Agency Mobility Data 1998-2010 Romain Ferrali Working Paper April 2015

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Lobbying and Campaign Contributions

Title Co-authors Citation Date/Others
Endogenous Cost Lobbying: Theory and Evidence and
John M. de Figueiredo Working Paper March 2019
Informational Lobbying and Counter-Lobbying over Budgets John M. de Figueiredo Working Paper May 2015

Strategic Endorsements
ALTERNATIVE TITLE: Third Party Signals in Take-it-or-Leave-it Bargaining Games

Joon-Pyo Jung Working Paper March 1994
Asymmetric Policy Effects, Campaign Contributions, and the Spatial Theory of Elections James Enelow Mathematical and Computer Modelling (invited paper, special issue on political science, Paul Johnson, editor), 16(8-9):117-132 (1992) August/September 1992
Elections and the Theory of Campaign Contributions: A Survey and Critical Analysis Rebecca Morton Economics and Politics, 4(1):79-108 (1992) March 1992

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Title Co-authors Citation Date/Others
Courts to the Rescue?   The Boston Review August 20, 2018
Technical Appendix for "Courts to the Rescue?"   The Boston Review August 2018
What is Political Science?   A Quantitative Tour of the Social Sciences, Andrew Gelman and Jeronimo Cortina (editors), Cambridge University Press (2009) 2009
Formal Theory Meets Data Rebecca Morton American Political Science Association's Political Science: The State of the Discipline, Ira Katznelson and Helen V. Milner (editors), W. W. Norton & Company (2002) 2002
Riot Games: A Theory of Riots and Mass Political Violence Sunita Parikh Presented at the W. Allen Wallis Institute of Political Economy, University of Rochester 2000

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